Three Common Causes of Back Pain

Back issues can be very annoying and may result from a variety of occurrences. It seems that these days we are more apt to suffer from back problems because of the time spent slumped over our computers or sitting in front of the television. Exercise is a good thing as long as it is done properly, or you could injure your back.

We will be offering advice on ways to stay clear of most of the causes of back strain.

It may seem surprising, but sitting in one position for a long time can lead to back pain. And the chair may not be the problem, even if it isn't comfortable. Just the fact of sitting - anywhere - can lead to back pain. The fact is, sitting down puts a lot more pressure on your back than standing or walking. Office workers, draftsmen, and writers - who spend hours on the computer - are all vulnerable to back pain. Some people, following the example of author Philip Roth, place their computers on a high surface such as a lectern or counter-top and work there Many companies now offer their employees desks that can be used either standing or sitting. An added bonus to this approach is that modern research shows that your overall health is better if you spend less time sitting. If you don't want to go to the extreme of standing at your desk for hours, at least take frequent breaks from sitting down. This moving about will relieve some of the pressure on your back - you can take a short walk, do some stretching, or just stand up for a few minutes. One frequent
cause of back pain is a spinal injury or fracture. This is most often a result of osteoporosis, which is a decrease in the amount of bone mass. Osteoporosis can strike both men and women as they age; however, more women are susceptible to this condition than men. The decrease in the bone mass causes the bones to become thinner and more brittle. This makes it easier for the bones to become damaged. If you do suffer from an injury, your weakened bones may collapse. This tends to be extremely painful and can also official website lead to your spine becoming deformed. There are medications you can take for the pain; nevertheless, this won't solve the underlying problem. Your doctor may recommend surgery to keep the fractured bones from slipping further out of place. One method to strength your torso and help support your back is exercise. There are specific exercises for the abdomen and back that can help you. This should be coupled with a natural, healthy diet that can help prevent osteoporosis or rebuild your bone mass.

Too much stress is also a catalyst for back pain in your life. The reason you could try these out is that your muscles will become tense. Each person will have a different reaction to stress in their lives, which may develop as a backache, stiff neck, or an ailment somewhere else on the body. Your body can actually avoid these reactions if you release the stress and tension. Throughout your body, stress can cause inflammation due to high levels of the hormone cortisol being released. There are many ways to reduce stress, but the first step is recognizing it and acknowledging that it's an issue for you. People that over here have injuries will often take much longer to heal if they are stressed, which is another reason why you should do everything you can to become stress free. Spinal strain, which leads to back pain, can manifest for different reasons, sometimes for reasons we do not know. This can be as simple as moving or exercising improperly, or the result of a harder to diagnose medical issue. Your medical doctor will be able to help you determine why you have back pain if you cannot figure out why. Just focus upon what your doctor tells you to do, and continue to accomplish the things that will keep your back healthy and pain free.

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